LABA Second Stage

Video: LABA Artistic Director Ronit Muszkatblit talks to LABA fellow Hadar Ahuvia who received Second Stage support for her work everything you have is yours?

What is Second Stage? 

The first year of the LABA fellowship is really about the first encounter: the first try, the impulse, a first creative sketch for the artist. In the Second Stage program, we go into the next layer. It’s about finding depth. This program gives the artists the resources and community to continue their development and process. Our goal is to guide the piece to the next level. Ideally, our artists come back for a third stage,  whether that be performance, gallery exhibit, concert, or even have a book published — want to continue to serve the artistic community as an incubator for new Jewish Culture.

— Ronit Muszkatblit, LABA Artistic Director