Layla Klinger

Layla is a hole maker, working with fiber, light and electric currents to investigate intimacy, erotic compulsions and beauty as merit. Their work spans installations and precious objects, and is based in traditional lace making as means of useless and coveted labor. She created site specific installations for the Little Islands Festival (Sikinos, Greece), New York Public Library (NYC), FRATZ Festival (Berlin) and Nightlight Festival (Tel Aviv). In 2022, they were awarded art residencies at CA+MP (Upper Jay, NY) and at Prairie Ronde (Vicksburg, Michigan). Her works have been presented in galleries and exhibitions in Israel and the United States, such as Mana Contemporary (New Jersey, 2021), Kellen Gallery (NYC, 2021) Rosenfeld Gallery (Tel Aviv, 2020) Binyamin Gallery (Tel Aviv, 2019), Hive Gallery (Los Angeles, 2018), the Fiberart International Biennale (Pittsburgh, 2019) and the Emerging Artists’ Greenhouse in the Fresh Paint Art Fair (Tel Aviv, 2019).They have a BFA in Knit Design from Shenkar College of Art and Design (2018) and an MFA in Textiles from Parsons School of Design, where they are currently an adjunct faculty Member. Klinger is a part of the Brooklyn Lace Guild, a non-profit organization based in NYC dedicated to the study and conservation of lace making. She is currently working towards a solo show in Houston Center for Contemporary Craft (May 2023) as well as a residency and group show in Artport Tel Aviv (November 2023.)

LABA Project Description: 

During the LABA fellowship, I will work on a project exploring the duality of erotica and sexual trauma in queer existence through the investigation of light, lace, non-verbal language and performative spaces. In my current practice, I am investigating lace making as intentional hole making, and the applications of traditional lace with new materials as a form of queer perversion. As I create light installations and sculptures that are based on lace (hole) forms, I am curious about the potential of using light as a non-verbal communication. Through coding, I am able to connect these works to sensors that allow participants to activate different light sequences. Light patterns have historically, and to this day, are used as means of communication – from lighthouses to car light signals to nightlife venues.

In this project, my aim is to create an unstable immersive installation evoking a space of queer sexual ambiguity and performance. It will be created through large scale lacemaking, sensors, light and sound, operated through the touch and movement of those inhabiting the space.

Studying TABOO during the course of the LABA fellowship will enrich this project enormously, as this work is encircling spaces of sexual taboo. I am keen on further learning on what are the physical and emotional spaces of taboo, how do we discuss difficult issues, and how to create a nuanced and layered work dealing with issues of trauma and intimacy.

What Taboo Would You Like To Break?

Every Single One.