Eyal Lally Bitton
Preliminary project idea for LABA
My project aims to develop an artistic practice of performative contemplation through a technical apparatus, and explore how it can be used to evoke in the spectators a change in perception.
The more life is being pulled into the virtual realm in an ever-growing rapidity, the more I have the grave need to tap into the tangible. In a sense, I have already lost the ability to experience reality in a direct, unmediated way. Curiously, I find that the audiovisual technical means open up the possibility to observe reality as it is: in a constant state of flux, a perpetual change.
The camera and microphone allow me to rehearse an electronically-mediated observation of slow processes of change that occur in the speed of nature, and to tune into a more primordial rhythm.
The project aims to translate this altered state of consciousness that is conjured up by examining the world through audiovisual technical mechanisms, and to transmit this experience to an audience. It starts with a script for a docu-fiction film and moves to experimentation with sound and flickering light inspired by the aesthetic terminology of “Mecha-mistica” and “Poema Audiovisual” developed by Spanish pioneer inventor and filmmaker Jose Val del Omar.