OMTA (founded 2006) represents the artistic collaboration of international new-media artists Tal and Omer Golan. OMTA has exhibited in many countries including continuous representation at the Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, and active participation in New York galleries and features. OMTA are associate members of the Leonardo/International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, a current contributors to university curriculums internationally, and has worked in cooperation with Google and Art-Link (Google, Tel Aviv). The duo specializes in the intersection of fine art and technology through highly visual presentations of interactive media. As forerunners in innovative interdisciplinary art research, OMTA creates artistic displays that encourage viewer participation in order to conduct studies regarding human interaction, digital mediation, and social awareness. Together, Tal and Omer have been influenced by the likes of Rembrandt, Aaron Koblin, and Daniel Rozin. They currently reside in NYC with their beautiful daughter, Zoe Frank.


At age 20, Omer was targeted by a suicide bomber who detonated 15 lbs bomb while embracing Omer from behind. After three weeks being unconscious he woke and began his recovery. Over a decade into this process, as preparation for another social art project and in attempt to control his PTSD, he participated in an exchange with Palestinian and Israeli artists in Palestine, where they spoke about their relationships to the conflict and their artistic practices. Through this process, we learned firsthand the power of engaging people in conflict resolution through art and that is what we hope to do with this project. With We Live For Tomorrow, we propose to work towards conflict resolution, healing and social transformation by building functional kids playground with joy rides, based on large-scaled replicas of shrapnel (bullets and metal-scraps) removed from Omer’s body after he was the target of a suicide-bombing in the West Bank in 2000.