THE 2025 THEME FOR LABA IS CHANGE. Our relationship with change reaches in two, oppositional directions. We fear change, loathe change, long to keep things as they are or reverse things to how they used to be. We desire to return to mythical homelands, to gardens, our childhoods, to the people and communities and

4 canciones de Miriam – Ionah Nour 2024

  1 canción He perdido mi cuerpo, pero mi respiración es ligera Canto Kadish no por la muerte, sino por la vida, canto Kadish para vosotros, aprendo nuevas palabras probando la tierra con mis labios, porque los labios no pertenecen al cuerpo, sino a la lengua, que es santa tanto para las rápidas aguas, como

LABA Barcelona Convocatòria 2025

La convocatòria per al programa de beques LABA 2025 està tancada.   Dates: 21 d’octubre – 5 desembre, de 2024.   LABA aplega artistes de tots els àmbits i disciplines per estudiar textos jueus clàssics, experimentar i explorar el futur de l’art i la cultura jueva. LABA és una casa d’estudis no religiosa que té

LabaLive Barcelona! November 23-24.2024!

Saturday 23/11/24 17:00-23:00 | Sunday 24/11/24 18:00-23:00 Over the past year, the 2024 LABA Barcelona fellows have studied ancient Jewish texts on the theme of “NIGHT” in LABA’s non-theological, non-ideological, open-minded and free-spirited house of study. They encountered stories and ideas which fertilized new art and culture. Join us for an experience of these creative

Tema Noche Espanol

Redoble de tambores por favor… o tal vez, más apropiadamente, un susurro. Estamos emocionados de anunciar que el próximo tema de LABA es NOCHE. LA NOCHE, en la imaginación judía, es tanto una cuestión de tiempo como un estado mental. Nuestros días comienzan por la noche, la llegada de tres estrellas es nuestro primer indicio


Congratulations to the 2023 LABA BAY AREA fellows for their sold-out TABOO exhibition and showcase.   For program info click here. And for images from the weekend click here and here.

Launching event of LABA Barcelona at Casa Adret, June 10th, 2023

LABAbel – Art & Study event    June 10th, 2023, 19–22 hrs Casa Adret – Calle Salomo ben Adret 6, Barcelona. We are pleased to invite you to the launching event of Laba Barcelona, at Casa Adret LABA brings together artists from all backgrounds and disciplines, to study classical Jewish texts, to experiment and to explore

Back to the Future: Utopia 1.0 revisited through Spring 2021 post-vaccinated, mask-fogged lenses this Shavuot

By, 2021 LABA Fellow Annie Berman Our current Zeitgeist is filled with dreams of renewal, reawakening, return – a return to a better world.  Is that even possible? Are human beings capable of creating  a world anew, or can we only work towards reforming, healing. Are there limits to human imagination? I write this as

Every Minute Matters

by, Ronit Muszkatblit, Director of Arts & Culture, Artistic Director of LABA These days, when I watch a movie, or a video of a dance or theater piece, the first thing that strikes me is that I am watching a world from the past: the people are in crowded rooms together, they are hugging, touching